Plan Bee Farm Brewery

From Plan Bee Farm Brewery
At Plan Bee Farm Brewery our mission is to brew 100% New York State ingredient beer. We source all our ingredients from the state of New York with many grown on site. Our beers go from ground to glass within measurable feet of their origins. Our goal is to work with local businesses to produce a delicious product for the community we serve.
At Plan Bee Farm Brewery, our beers are created by the limitation of local resources. From the yeast we cultivate from our honey comb, to the grain and hops in our fields, if it isn’t in our community it doesn’t enter our beer.
Today, brewers talk about ‘local’ craft beer while sourcing ingredients from around the world. At Plan Bee Farm Brewery, we define ‘local’ as that which grows in New York State, if not on our farm. Over the course of the next few years we will work tirelessly to reduce the radius of our sourced ingredients. The goal is to be able to say, “I planted & processed everything in this beer personally.”